Helping Colorado Springs Police Department solve cold cases

Helping the Colorado Springs Police Department digitize boxes of cold case files

Helping Colorado Springs Police Department solve cold cases
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The Scanning Company Team
May 10, 2022

Project at a glance

solved and unsolved cases digitized
cold cases solved
years worth of cases


  • Document scanning
  • Metadata processing
  • cloud-based solution

Situation Overview

Federal grant funds were used to digitize cold case files.

With 60 boxes of paper, Colorado Springs Police Department did not have the manpower to process these on their own, so they turned to us for help.

Our Solution

We met with staff from the police department, who asked us to scan all their cold case homicide files. Quickly checking and returning the digital images, they were able to reassess the evidence in an attempt to make inroads on the cases.

Using digitally-accessible DNA evidence, among other files, the police department was able to close two very old, cold homicide cases.

The scanning process also meant that they could shred paper copies, freeing up vast amounts of space through digitized documents. The cloud-based solution also means greater ease of access and share ability of documents. It also provides disaster recovery protection with no fears of theft, fire, or damage.

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The Scanning Company

We are a proven leader in the document management industry and we have been serving the community since 1986.